Our life in pictures...
Vocation in the ChurchA religious vocation is a special grace that God gives to certain persons, calling them to a life of the evangelical counsels. There is more than passing value in stressing the fact that a religious vocation is a grace. It is, therefore, a gift and an opportunity that must be freely responded to if the grace is not to remain sterile and ineffective. We used to speak, and perhaps still do, of promoting religious vocations. Actually, we cannot promote vocations. Either God gives them or they don't exist. We can only discover what God has given and then foster a vocation that is presumably there.
We are the Brothers
Bro. Gabriel Taborin, our Founder:
Get in touch!![]() If you want, you can also send a text message to Bro Edgardo to this cell phone number. Do not be discourage to ask any question you want!
Cell # 09183772906 Email: [email protected] |
How can I know if I am called?Or what are some typical features of a true vocation to the religious life? I would emphasize especially three:
(1) a strong faith in the Catholic Church and her teaching, shown by a firm friendship to Jesus; (2) a love of prayer, at least the capacity for developing a desire for prayer; and (3) a readiness to give oneself to a life of sacrifice in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. |
To be a Religious BrotherAs a male Religious, a Brother is a Christian who commits himself to Christ and the Christian community by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Not only is he in service to the community, he himself lives in a religious community that centers his life. It is from this root and from his own interior life that he is able to meet the needs of the Church in ministries such as teaching, social work, evangelization etc.
Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers -
Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Call by God - Brotherhood - Vocation Discernment - Priest - Nuns - Monks - Sisters -
Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Call by God - Brotherhood - Vocation Discernment -
Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Call by God - Brotherhood - Vocation Discernment - Brothers of the Holy Family - Philippines - Brothers in Asia - Catholic Church Vocation - Search in - Come and see -
Vocation Discernment - Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Brothers - Vocations - Consecrated Life - Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - Call by God - Brotherhood - Vocation Discernment - Brothers of the Holy Family - Philippines - Brothers in Asia - Catholic Church Vocation - Search in - Come and see -
Religious Life - Religious Brothers - Holy Family Brothers - We are all Brothers -